lunes, noviembre 07, 2005


 113084027248269583 Música CPI (π+1)

Tras la lisérgica entrada sobre π que puso Patxi el otro día hay que aplicar el dicho: "Si no puedes con ellos, úneteles". CPI presenta otro enlace en el que la canción American Pie es desfigurada hasta llegar a Mathematical π (π suena "pai" en inglés). Audio On, por favor. Tiene su gracia. Y para los más interesados, la letra con los acordes de guitarra (ya saben, esas super-fiestas en las que una canción sobre π a tiempo puede salvar la velada...). Nota: Si el enlace no funciona (tiene tendencia a dejar de funcionar cuando se descarga muchas veces), pueden descargarse la canción completa de aquí. [2'53 MB, .mp3]

(or Mathematical Pi to the tune of 'American Pie')


Ken Ferrier and Antoni Chan

A E F#m
A long, long time ago
Bm D F#m E
Long before the Super Bowl and things like lemonade
A E F#m
The Hellenic Republic was full of smarts
Bm D
And a question resting on the Grecian hearts
F#m D E
Was "What is the circumference of a circle?"
F#m Bm
But they were set on rational numbers
F#m Bm
And it ranks among their biggest blunders
D A Bm
They worked on it for years
And confirmed one of their biggest fears
A E F#m Bm7 E
I can't be certain if they cried when irrationality was realized
A E F#m
But something deep within them died
D E7 A D A
the day they discovered pi.
They were thinking

Pi, pi, mathematical pi
3 point 14 15 92
65 35 89 7
F#m B7
932384 62
F#m E7
6433832 7 (not rounded)

A Bm
Well this kind of pie is different than most
D Bm
It hasn't got berries, ain't spread on toast
F#m E
And that's how it's always been
A E F#m
We keep extending its decimal places
Bm D
Pushing our computers through their paces
F#m E
But we'll never reach the end

F#m Bm
So why the fascination with
F#m Bm
A number whose end is just a myth
D A B7
Whence the adulation
D E7
For mental masturbation
A E F#m
It might have something to do with the stars
Bm D
To calculate distances from afar
A E F#m
But that's just a guess 'bout the way things are
D E7 A D A
Regarding the precision of pi
I am pondering


A Bm
Now I feel that I should mention
D Bm
Pi is applicable in any dimension
F#m E
At least as far as I know
A E F#m
If there were no Pi we'd be missing things
Bm D
Like marbles and mugs and balls of string
F#m B7 E7
And sports such as soccer and curling
F#m Bm
The orbs in their celestial paths
F#m Bm
Navigate along elliptical graphs
D A B7
Ellipses have pi in them too
D E7
Just one side of them has grew
A E F#m
You can see pi in most everything
Bm D
It's in Cornell's Electron Storage Ring
A E F#m
And also in slinkies and other springs
D E7 A D A
And that's why it's important to know pi
You should memorize


A Bm
Once one night I had a dream
D Bm
That pi was gone and I had to scream
F#m E
Cause all pi things had disappeared (pause)
A E F#m
Can you imagine a world like that
Bm D
Circles aren't round and spheres are flat
F#m B7 E7
It's the culmination of everything we've feared
F#m Bm
'Twas a nightmare of epic proportions
F#m Bm
One that gave me brain contortions
D A B7
Oh wait! I mean contusions
D E7
They put me in some institutions
A E F#m
But then I escaped and now I'm free
To sing of the virtue of pi


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